What if this is what’s required to transform our old world and create a new one?
What if the mounting stress, pressure, divisions, and conflicts we’re experiencing in our world are actually required for us to transform into the next version(s) of ourselves, both individually and collectively?
A chick pecking its way out of an egg shell to hatch and a butterfly struggling to wiggle free of its chrysalis both need resistance in order to develop the strength to embody the next expression of their life. My experience says that’s also often (perhaps usually or always?) true of human beings.
If that’s the case, it could mean there’s nothing wrong with there being differences or conflicts, and also that there’s nothing wrong “those others” on the “other side”, even though we may be very challenged and uncomfortable navigating the situation.
Instead of making it a “right-wrong” dilemma or “problem” that we try to control or fix, we could understand and partner with it as the natural, normal, necessary process of Life unfolding, evolving, regenerating, and creating yet more life.
This is not only an opportunity, and it’s not problem-solving. As I see it, this is a requirement for a new level of development and skill on all levels--spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and socio-culturally-- if we’re going to “up level” and express a more evolved, more vibrantly alive expression of what’s possible.
The good news is that the powerful liminality of this “betwixt and between” time gives us the chance to do exactly that because it’s not what was and not yet what’s going to be.
As Michael Meade says,
“Despite the troubles they cause, critical turning points in life intend to change us from within, giving us access to imagination and wisdom from the deeper self while also learning to deliver something of our true self to a troubled world.”
“Emotional stirring is necessary for genuine awakening and for helping to quicken the life force of the world. . . When life is in upheaval, the soul imagines the time is right, not simply for change, but for a true transformation that involves our whole self, mind and body, spirit and soul. . .
“Although each soul bears the seeds of a unique pattern trying to unfold, an outer drama is needed to reveal the story within us. . .
“As the world increasingly becomes a place of chaos and conflict, we all suffer greater levels of disorientation and overwhelm . . .
“We are all living through a collective loss of soul, for the soul is the missing thing, the unifying element between opposing forces. . . .
“Our job is not to comprehend or control everything, but to learn which story we are in and which of the many things calling out in the world is calling to us.
“Our job is to be fully alive in the life we have and to pick up the invisible thread of our own story and follow where it leads." (Emphasis mine)
Stay tuned for my next post (coming tomorrow!) for how this is emerging and unfolding in my life right now.
May these troubled and troubling transformational times, and this Cultural Butterfly Project, be a catalyst for each of us to access our deeper self, pick up the invisible thread of our own story and follow where it leads, and deliver something of our true self to a troubled world.
I’d love to know how this lands for you. You can email me and let me know.